Phone: +91 9620160067, +91 8431427771

Co-curricular Activities

Certainly play is a very important role in education, widening its scope and making it meaningful. The school organises a variety of activities like debate, elocution, music, dance, painting and inter–school competitions. Every child in every class is provided with an opportunity to choose and take part in an activity of his/her liking, Talents are constantly developed and children get an opportunity to display them during CCA periods, Sports day , School Annual Day and various inter-school competitions


Certainly play is a very important role in education, widening its scope and making it meaningful. The school organises a variety of activities like debate, elocution, music, dance, painting and inter–school competitions. Every child in every class is provided with an opportunity to choose and take part in an activity of his/her liking, Talents are constantly developed and children get an opportunity to display them during CCA periods, Sports day , School Annual Day and various inter-school competitions


Scouts & Guides School

This is a movement of national, international and universal character, the object being to empower the youth with physical moral and spiritual strength.

Exposure Visits

The students are encouraged to participate in competitions and activities of their choice and interest. They are also taken out on school excursion and educational visits.


Cultural Fests School

Variety of cultural programmes and social events are organised periodically to assimilate the students into social fabric of the society.